Inklusive Bildung im internationalen Vergleich

The academic network "Inclusive Education in International Comparison" focuses on the question of how inclusive education can be researched on an international comparative basis. It is dedicated to a multi-layered and complex subject that has become an international paradigm at the policy level and a guiding concept for the analysis of participation and exclusion in educational research and discourse.

Within the framework of the joint work in the network, different theoretical and/or methodological approaches will be comparatively processed along the subject of inclusive education in order to analyse their potentials and limitations for international comparative research and to make them accessible for the German-speaking and international research and professional discourse on inclusive education by means of a joint publication (anthology with open access).

The stated aim of the proposed network is thus the joint development of theoretical and methodological contributions for international comparative research with a focus on inclusive education, which has so far been poorly contoured in the German-language research discourse.

 Additional information

Cooperation partners
  • Siriparn Sriwanyong
  • Tamala Boonyakarn
  • Jonathan Stevens
  • Lena Frank
  • Juliana Heigl