- Joy Muth & Marko Lüftenegger: “Associations between autonomy-supportive teaching, the use of non-academic ICTs, and student motivation in English-language learning”
- Maximilian Hofleitner, Flora Fassl et al.: “Social Emotions in School: Exploring Envy and Schadenfreude”
- Sina Ludwig & Melanie Sticha: „Die Rolle des Lernkontextes für motivationale, affektive und verhaltensbezogene Lernaspekte von Schüler*innen an Schulen in sozialräumlich deprivierter Lage“
- Melanie Sticha et al.: “Teacher Emotions, Instructional Behavior, and Student Well-being in Disadvantaged Schools”
DGPs/ÖGP Konferenz in Wien