Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Anna Günther

Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Room: 1OG29

T: +43-1-4277-60056

Office hours: by appointment, per email

Current teaching

Research focus

  • Gender, diversity and intersectionality 
  • Inequality in education 
  • Intersectionality in/due to digitalisation 



  • Teaching on gender and diversity and on the development of inclusive processes in education
  • Research on intersectionality - education - digitalisation
  • Lecturing at national and international conferences and on request

Scientific profile


Social Justice and Digitality. / Günther, Elisabeth Anna.


Publications: Contribution to conferenceOther contribution to conference

Intersectional diffraction as a way towards equality in academia. / Günther, Elisabeth Anna.

2022. Paper presented at Gender, Work and Organization – 12th International, Interdisciplinary Conference of Gender, Work and Organizations – A (de)colonial view beyond the borders. , Bogota, Colombia.

Publications: Contribution to conferencePaperPeer Reviewed

Digitalisierung gerecht gestalten. / Günther, Elisabeth Anna.


Publications: Other publicationOther

„Unangenehm ist normaler Alltag“ – Quote und Macht in universitären Gremien am Beispiel von Technischen Fakultäten in Österreich. / Enzenhofer, Bettina; Günther, Elisabeth Anna; Ratzer, Brigitte.

Gleichstellungspolitiken revisted: Zeitgemäße Gleichstellungspolitik an der Schnittstelle zwischen Politik, Theorie und Praxis. ed. / Angela Wroblewski; Angelika Schmidt. Wiesbaden : Springer VS, 2022. p. 77-92.

Publications: Contribution to bookChapterPeer Reviewed