Assoz. dott.ssa mag.a phil. habil. Evi Agostini, PhD
Assoz. Prof. Dott.ssa.mag. Dott. ric. Evi Agostini
Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Room: 324B
Consultation hour: by appointment via mail.
Main Areas of Research
- Phenomenological Educational Scences (s. video)
- Phenomenological Teaching and Learning Research as well as pedagogical Professionalization Research
- Responsive School Development
- Aesthetic Education
- Pedagogical Ethos
- Sustainability and good life
- Director of Studies - Education Directorate of Doctoral Studies
- Spokesperson of the professorial curia at the Centre for Teacher Education
- Member of the Centre Conference
- Member of the Faculty Conference
- Member of the Teacher Education Study Commission
- Substitute member of the Educational Science Study Commission
Fields of Activity
- Leader of the FWF-project „EQoL – Teaching the Good Life. Theory, Policy and Practice in Education to Promote Quality of Life in the 21st Century“ (12/2023-11/2026)
- Co-leader of the OeAD-project „Teach4Reach 2.0 – Teaching the Global Goals: Teaching the Global Goals: Leveraging teacher educators’ professionalism for sustainable development“ (10/2023-09/2025)
- Teaching at the Department of Teacher Education and the Department of Education
- Lecturing and networking activities in the above-mentioned areas (e. g. Network Vignette- and Anecdote Research)
Editorial Activities
- „Erfahrungsorientierte Bildungsforschung“, book series, Beltz-Juventa Verlag
- „Grundlagen und Kontroversen der Bildungswissenschaft“, book series of the ÖFEB section „Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft“, Verlag Springer VS
- Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue (EWR), review journal, Klinkhardt Verlag
- Journal für Lehrer:innenbildung (jlb), Klinkhardt Verlag
- Frontiers in Education, section "Teacher Education"
Activites in scientific advisory boards
Scientific Profile
- Curriulum Vitae, short (PDF)
- Curriulum Vitae, long (PDF)
Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 127
Dittrich AK, Eloff I, Boon W, Weinberg L, Rabani Nia M, Mathabathe K et al. Assessing the Professionalism of Teacher Educators in Relation to Sustainability: Developing and Piloting the Teacher Education and Sustainability Scale (TESS) Questionnaire. Education Sciences. 2024;1. 1000.
Agostini E, Mian S, Zadra C. In Touch with the More-than-Human World: A Phenomenological Perspective on Children’s Lifeworld Experiences. Scuola Democratica: Learning for Democracy. 2024.
Zadra C, Agostini E. La vignetta fenomenologica: uno strumento narrativo per la ricerca empirica pedagogica: uno strumento narrativo per la ricerca empirica pedagogica. Encyclopaideia. 2024;1.
Dittrich AK, Eloff I, Mathabathe K, Agostini E. Learning about sustainability in a global context of digital transformation in teacher education: exemplary vignettes of experience in webinars. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal. 2024;1.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Forschung und Entwicklung im Bildungswesen (External organisation)
Evi Agostini
Research organization
..2015 - ..2015
European Educational Research Association (EERA) (External organisation)
Evi Agostini
Research organization
..2013 - ..
Risultati preliminari di una revisione sistematica della letteratura internazionale sulla co-occorrenza di sostenibilità, benessere e resilienza
Sara Baroni
Evi Agostini
Barbara Gross
Denis Francesconi
Educazione Territori Natura. Utopia, impegno e cura per trasformare il futuro
Talk or oral contribution
31.12.2002 - 31.12.2002
Showing entries 136 - 138 out of 138