Assoz. dott.ssa mag.a phil. habil. Evi Agostini, PhD

Assoz. Prof. Dott.ssa.mag. Dott. ric. Evi Agostini

Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Room: 324B

T: +43-1-4277-60023
M: +43-664-8176416

Consultation hour: by appointment via mail.

Current teaching activities

Main Areas of Research

  • Phenomenological Educational Scences (s. video)
  • Phenomenological Teaching and Learning Research as well as pedagogical Professionalization Research
  • Responsive School Development
  • Aesthetic Education
  • Pedagogical Ethos
  • Sustainability and good life




Fields of Activity


Editorial Activities 


Activites in scientific advisory boards


Scientific Profile




Out of School: in touch with the More-than-Human World

Evi Agostini , Stephanie Mian , Cinzia Zadra
Third International Conference of the journal "Scuola Democratica"
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
4.6.2024 - 4.6.2024

Zum Erfahrungsvollzug des Lernens und dessen Implikationen für pädagogisches Handeln: Die phänomenologische Perspektive

Evi Agostini
45. Konferenz der Lehrenden der Geistesbehindertenpädagogik an wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen in deutschsprachigen Ländern
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
31.5.2024 - 31.5.2024

journal für lehrerInnenbildung (Journal)

Evi Agostini
Editor of journal or series
.5.2024 - ..

World Forum Women in Science

Ann-Kathrin Dittrich , Irma Eloff , Wietske Boon , Lucas Weinberg , Maryam Rabani , Evi Agostini
World Forum Women in Science
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
17.4.2024 - 17.4.2024

Einführung in die Vignettenforschung

Evi Agostini
Talk or oral contribution
13.3.2024 - 13.3.2024