Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Barbara Göbl, BSc
Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Room: 1OG29
Research focus
- Educational Technology and Gamification
- Serious Games and HCI in Digital Games
- Participatory Design
- Research and Teaching (e.g. in the context of the Computational Empowerment Lab)
- Design and Development of game-based and technology-enhanced learning environments
- Member of the research group #YouthMediaLife (Fachvertretung Informatik)
- Vice-Chair of the IFIP Working Group 14.8 "Serious Games"
- Serious Game Changers - Digital Game-based Learning Workshops for promoting 21st century skills
- We:Design - A participatory approach to digital empowerment for youths in the employment context
- StreamIT! Streaming as a pedagogical tool to promote interest and acquire competencies
Scientific profile
- Curriculum vitae (pdf)
Showing entries 21 - 25 out of 32
Göbl B, Jovicic S, Denk N, Kriglstein S. Let's Play - Professional Views on Barriers and Potentials in Digital Gaming and E-Sports.. 2021. Paper presented at CHI PLAY 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3450337.3483455
Denk N, Göbl B, Wernbacher T, Jovicic S, Kriglstein S. StreamIT! - Towards an educational concept centred around gameplay video production. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Games Based Learning. 2021. p. 196-202
Jovicic S, Göbl B, Hristova D. The Secret Chamber of Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Negotiating OutSmart! A Serious Game for Adolescents. Gamevironments. 2021;15:277-297.
Hristova D, Jovicic S, Göbl B, Slunecko T. The Social Media Game: How Gamification Shapes Our Social Media Engagement. In Dillon R, editor, The Digital Gaming Handbook. Boca Raton: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group. 2021. p. 63-94
Dillon R, Chawla S, Hristova D, Göbl B, Jovicic S. Password Policies vs. Usability: When Do Users Go "Bananas". 2020. Paper presented at 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom).
Showing entries 21 - 25 out of 32